Шрифт CooperLightC BT


CooperLightC BT Bold Кириллический

Bold Light
Was designed at Bitstream in 1986 by means of adding of light, medium, and bold styles, with the corresponding italics, to the existing black ones. Based on Cooper Black, 1919 by Oswald Bruce Cooper, which was firstly released as hand composition font in 1922 by Barnhart Brothers & Spindler of Chicago and later spreaded by ATF. Cooper Black is an extra bold face based on Cooper Old Style. Bitstream Cooper is an old face with rounded serifs and tilted back ovals. For use both in text matter (normal weights) and in advertising and display typography (heavy weights). Cyrillic version developed for ParaType in 2000 by Manvel Shmavonyan and based on TM Oswald face of TypeMarket, 1996 by Victoria Grigorenko.
Семейство: CooperLightC BT
Шрифт: CooperLightCBT-Bold
Файл: CooperLightCBT-Bold.otf
Версия: 001.001
MD5: 44596f4cc06de33b0833dacc19e96d3d
Размер: 54.77 Кбайт
Кириллический шрифт

CooperLightC BT Bold Italic Кириллический

Bold Italic Light
Was designed at Bitstream in 1986 by means of adding of light, medium, and bold styles, with the corresponding italics, to the existing black ones. Based on Cooper Black, 1919 by Oswald Bruce Cooper, which was firstly released as hand composition font in 1922 by Barnhart Brothers & Spindler of Chicago and later spreaded by ATF. Cooper Black is an extra bold face based on Cooper Old Style. Bitstream Cooper is an old face with rounded serifs and tilted back ovals. For use both in text matter (normal weights) and in advertising and display typography (heavy weights). Cyrillic version developed for ParaType in 2000 by Manvel Shmavonyan and based on TM Oswald face of TypeMarket, 1996 by Victoria Grigorenko.
Семейство: CooperLightC BT
Шрифт: CooperLightCBT-BoldItalic
Файл: CooperLightCBT-BoldItalic.otf
Версия: 001.001
MD5: fc723f8c8ce505db73b5e0b0461051f6
Размер: 56.82 Кбайт
Кириллический шрифт

CooperLightC BT Italic Кириллический

Italic Light
Was designed at Bitstream in 1986 by means of adding of light, medium, and bold styles, with the corresponding italics, to the existing black ones. Based on Cooper Black, 1919 by Oswald Bruce Cooper, which was firstly released as hand composition font in 1922 by Barnhart Brothers & Spindler of Chicago and later spreaded by ATF. Cooper Black is an extra bold face based on Cooper Old Style. Bitstream Cooper is an old face with rounded serifs and tilted back ovals. For use both in text matter (normal weights) and in advertising and display typography (heavy weights). Cyrillic version developed for ParaType in 2000 by Manvel Shmavonyan and based on TM Oswald face of TypeMarket, 1996 by Victoria Grigorenko.
Семейство: CooperLightC BT
Шрифт: CooperLightCBT-Italic
Файл: CooperLightCBT-Italic.otf
Версия: 001.001
MD5: 4fbe0fc07f0fdac6f850c3c6b413d721
Размер: 46.23 Кбайт
Кириллический шрифт

CooperLightC BT Кириллический

Was designed at Bitstream in 1986 by means of adding of light, medium, and bold styles, with the corresponding italics, to the existing black ones. Based on Cooper Black, 1919 by Oswald Bruce Cooper, which was firstly released as hand composition font in 1922 by Barnhart Brothers & Spindler of Chicago and later spreaded by ATF. Cooper Black is an extra bold face based on Cooper Old Style. Bitstream Cooper is an old face with rounded serifs and tilted back ovals. For use both in text matter (normal weights) and in advertising and display typography (heavy weights). Cyrillic version developed for ParaType in 2000 by Manvel Shmavonyan and based on TM Oswald face of TypeMarket, 1996 by Victoria Grigorenko.
Семейство: CooperLightC BT
Шрифт: CooperLightCBT
Файл: CooperLightCBT.otf
Версия: 001.001
MD5: c4a9457c6b2ce5968c00f2c851a8481a
Размер: 44.32 Кбайт
Кириллический шрифт